The Power of Sustainable Fundraising
I might be getting on a bit but I have this vivid memory (from back in the 80’s) of our school sending home a plastic bag filled with all different sizes of plastic bags to sell as a fundraising initiative for our school. We were to go door to door selling these bags and return all the money to the school by a certain date.
My goodness how things have moved on!
National Geographic estimated that the amount of plastic bags that enter our oceans every year is over eight million tonnes. This is a staggering figure and should encourage people from all walks of life to do our bit to eliminate single-use plastic bags because they are the major contributor to this massive amount of plastic that is polluting our planet.
So, with the changing climate around sustainability and the use of non plastic items, environmental and sustainable fundraising options are now the way of our future. They are a brilliant and ethical way to raise money for your school, club or sports team. And it’s an incredible education process along the way.
No more plastic bags for sale, and even chocolate and raffle tickets are becoming a thing of the past. It’s time to make the most of every opportunity to create good change and reduce the waste on the environment. Using products that have real value for families and improve our children’s health along the way is definitely the way of the future.
Our recent fundraiser at our local school raised a considerable amount for new sports equipment for the kids.
Not only did the kids raise a whole lot of money for our school, the launch of the Good Change Eco Cloth fundraiser was an amazing way to get around each of the classrooms and educate the children on the use of non plastics and face them head on with the environmental “sea monster” that has been created in the middle of the pacific - The Great Pacific Garbage Patch. The kids were left wide eyed and flabbergasted by the sheer size of this patch of plastic. And, as a result the ids felt passionate about wanting to make a change.

During the launch we covered the features and benefits of the cloths and the idea of using a product that is made from natural fibres (wood pulp and cotton). The engagement from the children was overwhelming. The opportunity for them to sell something that comes from nature and can be put back into nature with a solid eco story was fantastic and raised an incredible awareness amongst the new generation.
I would highly recommend considering a sustainable reusable product for your next school fundraiser to not only educate our children but also give back to our environment. It might feel like a small change but its a Good Change.