Incorporating the Eco-Friendly Way in Your Life
Here are ways you can incorporate the eco-friendly habit using the Eco Cloth.
Kitchen Use
1. absorb spills
2. clean counter tops
3. wipe stainless steel appliances
4. scrub the refrigerator inside and out
5. clean the oven
6. clean the microwave
7. wash dishes
8. use it to dry dishes
9. use it to hold a hot pot
10. for anti-skid place it under the mixing bowl while mixing
11. for anti-skid place it under the cutting board
12. use it as a placemat for vegetables to dry on
13. use it under bowls to catch overflows and spills
Inside and Outside the House
14. wipe windows
15. wipe mirrors
16. wipe vanity
17. clean shower
18. clean the tub
19. wipe floors
20. remove dust from furniture
21. clean fixtures
22. wipe woodwork
23. remove dust from ceiling fans
24. rub down silver
25. wash the dog
26. groom the horse
27. use it to catch spillage from your pet's food bowl
28. clean the car the eco-friendly way
29. wipe the car's interior
30. clean the grill
31. wipe patio furniture
32. remove makeup
33. use as washrag in the shower
34. wipe golf clubs
35. wipe surfaces of the boat
36. use as handy wipe out in the camper
37. use during camping and barbecue chill-outs
38. 3 designs - one design for each use
39. after much use and love throw it in the garden as compost
40. use it to wipe tablets, mobile phones and computer keyboards
With Children
41. wipe toys
42. use it to keep baby warm during bath time
43. can be used as a teething toy by freezing
44. handy wipe for babies during mealtime
45. use it as wipes for baby during trips outside
46. use it as wash cloth to place on child’s forehead in case of fever
Connecting with People
47. mail it as an eco-friendly gift
48. perfect as a housewarming gift
49. perfect as a hostess gift
50. Christmas stocking filler